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The ultimate stand for Maschine

Unique digital device stand designed mainly for laptops is a finger-drummer’s dream

“It’s like a silencer in the studio!” – product beta-tester

Anyone who uses a digital gadget to make music — whether it be a Native-Instruments Maschine or Maschine Studio, any one of the great DAW-less sequencers such as the Akai MPC line, Elektron or Novation Live for Ableton, Ableton Push, Korg Electribe, Korg Volcas – really any Midi controller with drum pads on them for banging out beats — devices like these have become a staple in the modern studio.

If you’re like me, you know how much fun it can be to jam out and create beats… for hours and hours at a time! Weeks! Months! Years of making music as a hobby in my spare time. Making music on digital devices is a pass time like no other.

Digital musicians have hundreds of different music making devices to choose from, and new music devices are being released every day. And huge numbers of these devices are desktop devices with a small screen and buttons you’re supposed to tap in time to your music.

Sadly, most home hobbyists rarely get proper stands and accessories for their kits, because the options are all expensive, and the solutions they provide each have their own disappointments that make them not worth the effort. Metal stands are big and clunk and they vibrate. Wooden stands offer some vibration and sound dampening, but devices tend to slide off or slide around the desk.

Nobody has really looked at a convenient way to solve this problem, until now.

A new digital accessories company named Fomatek took this problem and music creators to heart, trying every available option, from $39 Ikea laptop desks, to professional gigging music stands costing hundreds of dollars. Even some sellers on eBay and Etsy offer custom, hand-made stands for Maschine, Moog DFAM and other digital beat-making gadgets. Nothing quite fits the bill, and Fomatek

After more than five years of market research, Fomatek stands are now available exclusively through this website. A Pro model is slated for release in 2024. For now, check out the features of the latest generation, affordable, ergonomic, multi-purpose Fomatek stands.

Why this laptop stand is the best thing to hit the digital music scene since the drum machine

  1. When you’re making digital music, you need a quiet environment. Fomatek stands are designed using sound-absorbing foam that is nearly indestructable. It can absorb up to 90% of the vibrations of playing a digital instrument on top of it.
  2. When you’re beating on a drum machine, you need a stand that can absorb the shock and vibration. All to many stands I’ve tried are sturdy but they vibrate, making it difficult to keep tight timing. Vibrations are even worse if your song matches the resonant frequency of the stand. With a Fomatek stand, your beats stop instantly thanks to the vibration-absobring material.
  3. You need a stand that can prop up the device up at an angle so you can easily see the small screen.

So why is nobody has made a good stand for all these music gadgets?

Before today, choices were limited to metal stands designed for traveling or performing musicians. Now the home hobbyist has something even the pros will be jealous of – Fomatek. This revolutionary product has transformed my studio into a ho-hum average home studio to a professional looking environment. But it’s really not even about looks.

Fomatek stands have a revolutionary design created specifically for digital musicians.

Check out all these great features that you can only get in a Fomatek Gadget Stand:

  • Angled viewing platform provides 25-degrees of ergonomic viewing which means less fatigue during long sessions
  • Device display is easier to read at an angle
  • Lip on the front completely prevents the device from sliding off
  • Foam front lip also acts as a wrist rest perfect for fine-tuning, setting up samples and general editing
  • Bottom channel provides a simple way to route your cables for a clean look
  • Air channels built into the angled platform prevent overheating
  • Foam technology is non slip and sound dampening, so you can focus on your song
Ultimate Maschine Stand and Laptop Stands at

My studio time just feels and sounds better since getting my Fomatek stand. Thanks!

Thomas L, Scottsdale, AZ

1 thought on “The ultimate stand for Maschine

  1. This Fomatek stand pictured is a prototype.

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